Saturday, July 17, 2010

Retarded potential

A realization struck me 'with the force of an avalanche'.
I'm retarded when it comes to dealing with most life situations. In the true sense of the word, a moron.
You could even say a blind person groping in eternal darkness.
But, there is a catch. In the midst of this ocean of neanderthalic existence that is my life, I experience these sudden bursts of 'intelligence' that take me places where I would otherwise never have reached.
All my life, I've been shunning,( or maybe i've been taught to shun ) what the world would call 'stupidty',  with every ounce of my being. But as far as I'm concerned, that stupidity, that nothingness ... is the very essence of my being. That state of knowing nothing and understanding nothing, that is where I begin. And my usual tendency , in all my actions, is to reach that thought, no action.
That would explain a lot of things about me. My behaviour, my thought patterns, my interaction with people ... everything.

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