Friday, July 16, 2010


In recent times, truth has been a major game changer in my life.
Does this mean I have been living a false life in these times ? I dont know yet.
Two, not-so-distinct yet not-entirely-the-same facets of life, both very close to my heart, have taken turns in directions that I cannot explain.
In one case, I was told a truth that I had always suspected.
In another case, I told a truth that another had (no doubt) expected.
On the one hand, "the decesion was mine to make" on the other it wasnt.
Not-so-obscure implications were made, once the truth was out.
Matters still havent concluded, so I cant make a conclusive remark.
But as things stand, the things I have learnt about truth are,
1. "You want the truth .... you can't handle the truth"2. "In the end truth will out"
3. "Truth hurts"

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