Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have been meaning to write about some things for a while now. I hope i can do justice to the thoughts and emotions of people involved.

Part -1
The online relationships that I dedicated my blog to have ceased to exist. Broken due to ... unexplainable reasons. It hurt to do what I did, but it had to be done. Investing emotionally in someone you haven't seen ... someone you don't know for sure exists ... is not a wise thing to do. Given the state of mind I was in, when such relationships began, I can probably explain why they kicked off and thrived.
It was mutually beneficial, being each others' confidantes and sharing each others sorrows. Who knew, one could have a social life without leaving their room ? I had my an online- aunt, niece and brother all of whom I chose ( yeah, relatives whom i chose ).
The mood swings that conversations with those people caused were amazing. In fact, I'm deeply indebted to my aunt for all the love and care she gave me, nothing I have experienced or can experience will ever replace it.
The niece was a mood lifter. One 'chachu' from her and I knew my was made right there.
The bro was somebody whom I could bore with unnecessary advice and with whom I could share thoughts and opinions unlike with my real life - phased out one.
All these relationships lasted for about the same length of time. Each grew strong at different points of time tho. Why or how they came to and end ... well ... some things are better left unsaid.
I can't say I've found my closure from them, but they have broadened the horizons of my mind and heart.
I regret having hurt any of them at any point of time for whatever reason. That said, I wish all of them happy and fulfilling lives ahead. There's more to be said ... but ... I choose to stop now and forever hold my peace.

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